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Potential impacts of climate change on ecosystem services in Europe: the case of Pest Control.

Civantos, E., Thuiller, W., Luigi, M., Guisan, A. & Araújo, M.B.

Publication Year

Global environmental changes threaten ecosystems and cause significant alterations to the supply of ecosystem services that are vital for human
well-being. We provide an assessment of the potential impacts of climate change on the European diversity of vertebrates and their associated
control services. We modeled the distributions of the species that provide these services using forecasts from bioclimatic envelope models and
then used the results to generate maps of potential species richness among vertebrate providers of pest-control services. We assessed how the potential
richness of pest-control providers would change according to different climate and greenhouse emissions scenarios. We found that the potential
richness of pest-control providers was likely to face substantial reductions, especially in southern European countries whose economies were highly
dependent on agricultural yields. In much of central and northern Europe, where countries’ economies were less dependent on agriculture, climate
change was likely to benefit pest-control providers.

Palavras Chave(47)
biodiversity, ensemble forecasting, service-providing units, species distribution models.

Bibliographical Reference

Civantos, E., Thuiller, W., Luigi, M., Guisan, A. & Araújo, M.B. Potential impacts of climate change on ecosystem services in Europe: the case of Pest Control. Bioscience. 62: 658-666.