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Will extreme climatic events facilitate biological invasions?

Jeffrey M Diez, Carla M D’Antonio, Jeffrey S Dukes, Edwin D Grosholz, Julian D Olden,
Cascade JB Sorte, Dana M Blumenthal, Bethany A Bradley, Regan Early, Inés Ibáñez,
Sierra J Jones, Joshua J Lawler, and Luke P Miller.

Publication Year

Extreme climatic events (ECEs) – such as unusual heat waves, hurricanes, floods, and droughts – can dramatically
affect ecological and evolutionary processes, and these events are projected to become more frequent
and more intense with ongoing climate change. However, the implications of ECEs for biological invasions
remain poorly understood. Using concepts and empirical evidence from invasion ecology, we identify mechanisms
by which ECEs may influence the invasion process, from initial introduction through establishment
and spread. We summarize how ECEs can enhance invasions by promoting the transport of propagules into
new regions, by decreasing the resistance of native communities to establishment, and also sometimes by
putting existing non-native species at a competitive disadvantage. Finally, we outline priority research areas
and management approaches for anticipating future risks of unwanted invasions following ECEs. Given predicted
increases in both ECE occurrence and rates of species introductions around the globe during the coming
decades, there is an urgent need to understand how these two processes interact to affect ecosystem composition
and functioning.


Bibliographical Reference

Diez, J. et al.(2012) Will extreme climatic events facilitate biological invasions?. Front Ecol Environ 2012; 10(5): 249–257, doi:10.1890/110137.