Herpetology and Ecophysiology, Zoology and Landscape ecology, and Computer Sciences
Announcement for 4 Research Assistant positions (technicians):

The ‘Rui Nabeiro’ Biodiversity Chair and the Applied Population and Community Ecology Research Group (CIBIO, University of Évora) is opening calls for 4 research assistant fellowship.

Starting date: January 2013

Duration: 24 months

Stipend: EUR 980 per month plus social security. The stipend value is free from taxation.

The ‘Rui Nabeiro’ Biodiversity Chair and the Applied Population and Community Ecology Research Group (CIBIO, University of Évora) is opening calls for 4 research assistant fellowships (technician) in the fields of herpetology and ecophysiology, computer sciences and landscape ecology. The positions are to be filled in January 2013 for a period of 24 months.

Research environment:

The researchers will be associated with ‘Rui Nabeiro’ Biodiversity Chair (http://www.catedra.uevora.pt/rui-nabeiro/index.php) and the Applied Population and Community Ecology Research Group, CIBIO, University of Évora, and will closely interact with the sister laboratory at the CSIC National Museum of Natural Sciences in Madrid (www.ibiochange.mncn.csic.es).

Required background and skills

Applications will fall within following major themes:

(RA1) Herpetology and thermal ecophysiology (project led by PI Miguel Araújo) – The candidate will support a large-scale thermal eco-physiological experiment involving Iberian lizards as well as conducting an extensive field campaign across the Iberian Peninsula. He/she is expected to have experience with Iberian herptofauna and laboratory experiments in thermal ecophysiology. Availability to travel within the Iberian Peninsula is also required.

(RA2) Zoology and landscape ecology (project led by Co-PI António Mira) – The grand-holder will be involved in field surveys of several vertebrate species; GIS database creation and updating; landscape connectivity modelling; and scientific paper writing.

Required background and skills:

- Experience in vertebrate field surveys, particularly bats, mammal carnivores, small mammals and owls

- Experience in acoustic bat surveys and acoustic bat identification

- Experience in road-kill surveys, including small vertebrate fauna

- Experience with GIS software (QGIS will be favoured)

- Basic knowledge of programming in R

- Driving license

(RA3) Computer science (support for the whole project) – The candidate will have a background in computing sciences and will provide support to the management of a cluster of computers at the University of Évora. He/she will also provide computer support for researchers in the group. Programming skills are required and previous experience in modelling and/or simulations would be highly valued.

(RA4) A 4th position in GIS and database management is being advertised separately by Co-PI Regan Early. See http://reganearly.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/ec21c_jobannouncement_technician1.pdf

Language: Portuguese and or Spanish desirable. Given that the work involves interaction with international researchers, English as a first or second language is required.

Application: Applications are sent by email (catedra-biodiversidade@uevora.pt) before the 20 of December 2012. When applying quote the number of the fellowship you are applying for (e.g., application to RA1). The application must include a 1 page cover letter (in English) detailing your research experience and skills, and explaining why you think you are an adequate candidate for the post, a short CV, and the names and contacts of two senior faculty researchers that can provide a reference for you.

Published in 19 of November of 2012
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