On the family Meconematidae in continental Portugal (Orthoptera)

Ferreira S., Espiridião de Oliveira A. & Miralto M.O.

Publication Year

A compilation of the Portuguese records of Meconematidae is presented, together with new distributional data for the two species present in the country. The distribution of the species is mapped and commented upon. Cyrtaspis scutata (Charpentier, 1825), previously known from only one locality in the country, is recorded from five new 10 km UTM squares, including the southernmost record from the Iberian Peninsula.

Palavras Chave(47)
Orthoptera, Meconematidae, new records, distribution, Portugal

Bibliographical Reference

Ferreira S., Espiridião de Oliveira A. & Miralto M.O. (2009) On the family Meconematidae in continental Portugal (Orthoptera). Boletín Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, 44: 477-47

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