Bibliographical Reference:

Thien, T.N., Martel, A., Brutyn, M., Bogaerts, S., Sparreboom, M., Haesebrouck, F., Fisher, M.C., Beukema, W., Duong Van, T., Chiers, K. and Pasmans, F. A survey for Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in endangered and highly susceptible Vietnamese salamanders (Tylototriton spp.). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 44(3): 627-633.

Bibliographical Reference:

Vicente, J.R., Pinto, A.T. Araújo, M.B., Verburg, P.H., Lomba, A., Randin, C.F. Guisan, A., & Honrado, J.P. (2013) Using life strategies to explore the vulnerability of ecosystem services to invasion by alien plants. Ecosystems, 16 ( 4 ) pp. 678 - 693.

Bibliographical Reference:

Vicente, J.R., Fernandes, R., Randin, C., Gonçalves, J., Broennimann, O., Poças, I., Marcos, B., Guisan, A. and Honrado, J.P. (2013) Will climate change drive alien invasive plants into areas of high conservation value? An improved model-based regional assessment to prioritize the management of invasions. Journal of Environmental Management. 131: 185-195.

(doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2013.09.032)

Bibliographical Reference:

Vicente, J.R., Pereira, H.M., Randin, C.F., Gonçalves, J., Lomba, A., Alves, P., Metzger ,J., Cezar, M., Guisan, A. and Honrado, J.P. (2013) Environment and dispersal paths override life strategies and residence time in determining regional patterns of invasion by alien plants. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Environment and Systematics. 16: 1-10. (doi: 10.1016/j.ppees.2013.10.003)

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